Black Pepper
Country of Origin: India.
Plant Family: Piperaceae.
Method of Extraction: The oil is produced from dried, crushed, but not quite ripe, fruits of the Pepper vine.
Main Therapeutic Properties: Analgesic, Antibacterial, Anticatarrhal, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Antirheumatic, Digestive stimulant, Stomachic.
Contraindications: Non toxic and non irritant in prescribed doses.
Did you know: Attila the Hun is reputed to have demanded 3000lbs of pepper as part of a ransom for Rome
Oil Appearance: Colourless to Pale Green, yellows with age.
Chakra: Solar Plexus.
Chinese Element: Water (& Earth).
As with many spice oils it is quite complex to produce. The fruits for this oil were imported into Europe for essential oil production adhering to very demanding quality specifications.
It is a delightful pepper oil, very much closer to the smell of ground pepper than other products.
Blend 2 drops of Black Pepper, 3 drops of Rosemary, 3 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Lavender in 30ml of Sweet Almond oil and use as a pre-exercise massage oil.
Or try 1 drop of Black Pepper, 2 drops of Patchouli and 2 drops of Lavender, blended in 10ml of Grapeseed oil, this makes a very good blend for tummy problems. Always massage in a clockwise direction.
As with many of the spice oils, Black Pepper is extremely useful for sports massage as it warms the muscles.